You are seeing this page from us, as we are in conversation with your company & they wish to change the way tips are created by your guests.
TipPay is a platform that enables you get tipped directly from a guest scanning YOUR QR code from their phone.
The process is very simple, and we provide all the tools necessary for you to work exactly as you have with one small adjustment. Giving out your QR card with the guests check, they scan it & arrive at your page.
Please click the green button above, complete the short form (first name, email address, PayPal address, head/shoulder photograph) and we will integrate your details within the companies account.
TipPay does take a 10% fee. This is mostly replaced by your diner choosing to pay the transaction fee ( & receive a bonus ).
Also, it is a requirement that you have PayPal account, which is a free set up. Get it by going to
Once your account is set up with TipPay, you will receive an email from our software letting you know you've been approved, and will have your own online dashboard to check your stats. What has been tipped, what commission you may have, what is due, and what may be pending.
Many thanks and we look forward to getting your materials & tools to you ASAP, so you can get tipped more & have more tips, as well as commissions!