Is TipPay FREE?
Whilst we do not charge any fees to join or for account creation, we do levy a standard 10% on all tips, half of which goes to either Paypal or Stripe (Card, ApplePay, GooglePay). We do offer a small incentive to those tipping to cover the transaction fee and in our experience, over 60% of those tipping do add that to their tip.
How does it work?
Basically you present a QR code (or link) to your customer or viewer, which they scan or click. This takes them to your TipPay page where they choose how much to tip. You get an email saying you've received a tip and have your own dashboard to view what has been paid, as well as what is pending. TipPay pays all tips out once a week, every Wednesday. For a fuller exposition click HERE!
What do you need from me?
Currently, we require your Email and PayPal address, as well as a head & shoulders image (against a clear background). We need your email address to deliver tip notifications to you & your PayPal to pay your tips out.
I'm in a team, can I use it individually?
Yes. Your QR code is unique to you, so if you work in a team (restaurant, hair salon, delivery driver, bar, or hospitality) you can most certainly use it on and offline. If you are a social media influencer, TikToker, YouTuber...etc etc's a no brainer.
Are my tips liable for tax?
HMRC denotes that any tips that you receive are taxable. Reconciling tips with TipPay is relatively easy. You have a constant record in your dashboard, with related deposits to your PayPal which you include within your tax return.
How soon can I be online?
Within 3 days. Depending on whether you are a sole creator or part of a larger group the time frame changes. Each account is created individually by our team to ensure you have the best position to improve & increase your income.
I have product I'd like to sell?
We can work with you to put your product on your Thank You page, and with a short video you could extol the virtues of purchasing such. For restaurants, we have found that making available vouchers, offers, or even a themed E-Book benefits everybody. Including your bottom line. For very little extra work the results can be terrific.
How will TipPay deliver any digital product?
We are an online business and have dedicated server space in the cloud. Sounds exotic...our team understand how to create what is required so that after any purchase, the file (music, e-book, etc) it will be made available on your customers thank you page directly on their phone.
Does my table HAVE to tip?
As it is with any form of gratuity or 'tip', it depends on the service your customer has received. If you went all out and provided the best service you possibly could give, and your table doesn't tip you, it's not for your lack of trying. Some folks are just either mean or very likely don't have much more to spend on their meal and your attention. It sucks...but a positive mind, creating a positive outlook, and action will create positive results.
What if they tip but your system doesn't show it?
Our system will always show what has been tipped and when, to exactly who. The only reason a tip may not show is if ultimately your guest, diner, or customer didn't follow through with it. We obviously cannot pay out tips where no actual tip was received.
How do I check on what has been tipped?
Along with your account and tools, you have an online dashboard to log into that will show your tips paid, tips due, as well as a breakdown of any commissions you receive from the sale of any merchandise that your tip helped generate.
When does TipPay pay my tips out and how?
Our platform pays out ALL tips and commissions every Wednesday before 1pm GMT. We pay ALL monies out through PayPal so it is important that you create a PayPal address and let us know what it is.
What trust factors does TipPay have?
Our platform uses an extremely robust SaaS platform to organise, order, and manage payments around the world for over a million transactions. Thrivecart! In of itself it is encrypted and secure.
As to trust in ourselves, with not running away with your hard earned tips. Well! That'd be a very stupid thing to do and we would not be in business for long, if at all, if we did that. Helping others reach their goals, helping workers earn more from what they do is our path to success. Were happy that you are considering it.
Do other platforms like TipPay exist?
The very short answer is yes. They do...and there are some great ones out there. What separates TipPay from the herd, is us going several steps ahead in utilising your thankyou page a selling medium for congruent offers. Others don't, and for us, we see that as leaving money on the table.
Others charge to create my account. Why not you?
Creation of an account has to be done. It is the backbone of our platform and your use of it. Not charging to create it, or for the tools we make available, actually increases our bottom line, due to reducing any friction you have in using it. There is a mountain of potential in being a facilitator to help you get tipped more and more in each tip, as well as helping your place of work generate income also.
What next?
Click the button above and complete the short form, call us on 07454720256 to arrange a chat over a coffee, or email us directly by clicking the button below. Not local? Lets zoom or FB or Telescope or...
TipPay is a new & vibrant way for anyone who accepts tips in their business and job. Our goal is to revolutionise tipping and make it more than what it is.
We work hard to ensure any transaction fees are reduced, or in most cases, gone! We also work to enable commissions on any product or service that your customer, guest, or diner may purchase.
© Copyright TipPay All Rights Reserved.